Discover the revolutionary findings and forward-thinking minds of the Scientific Revolution! Explore the worlds of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, and others as they transformed our perception of the cosmos. Discover the revolutionary era that created modern science and moulded our planet.
No. | Key Discoveries/Thinkers | Year | Scientist/Thinker | |
1 | Heliocentric Model | 1543 | Nicolaus Copernicus | |
2 | Laws of Planetary Motion | 1609-1619 | Johannes Kepler | |
3 | Telescope | 1608 | Hans Lippershey | |
4 | Laws of Motion | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
5 | Universal Gravitation | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
6 | Experimental Method | 1620 | Francis Bacon | |
7 | Microscope | 1590 | Zacharias Janssen | |
8 | Scientific Method | 1620 | René Descartes | |
9 | Law of Conservation of Mass | 1774 | Antoine Lavoisier | |
10 | Laws of Thermodynamics | 1850s | Sadi Carnot, Lord Kelvin | |
11 | Germ Theory | 1861 | Louis Pasteur | |
12 | Laws of Electromagnetism | 1865 | James Clerk Maxwell | |
13 | Circulation of Blood | 1628 | William Harvey | |
14 | Laws of Inertia | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
15 | Pendulum Clock | 1656 | Christiaan Huygens | |
16 | Law of Universal Gravitation | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
17 | Optics | 1704 | Isaac Newton | |
18 | Laws of Motion | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
19 | Laws of Planetary Motion | 1609-1619 | Johannes Kepler | |
20 | Scientific Method | 1620 | Francis Bacon | |
21 | Telescope | 1608 | Hans Lippershey | |
22 | Law of Conservation of Mass | 1774 | Antoine Lavoisier | |
23 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
24 | Law of Conservation of Energy | 1847 | Hermann von Helmholtz | |
25 | Laws of Thermodynamics | 1850s | Sadi Carnot, Lord Kelvin | |
26 | Germ Theory | 1861 | Louis Pasteur | |
27 | Laws of Electromagnetism | 1865 | James Clerk Maxwell | |
28 | Evolutionary Theory | 1859 | Charles Darwin | |
29 | Atomic Theory | 1803 | John Dalton | |
30 | Laws of Planetary Motion | 1609-1619 | Johannes Kepler | |
31 | Experimental Method | 1620 | René Descartes | |
32 | Microscope | 1590 | Zacharias Janssen | |
33 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
34 | Circulation of Blood | 1628 | William Harvey | |
35 | Laws of Inertia | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
36 | Pendulum Clock | 1656 | Christiaan Huygens | |
37 | Law of Universal Gravitation | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
38 | Optics | 1704 | Isaac Newton | |
39 | Experimental Method | 1620 | Francis Bacon | |
40 | Telescope | 1608 | Hans Lippershey | |
41 | Law of Conservation of Mass | 1774 | Antoine Lavoisier | |
42 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
43 | Law of Conservation of Energy | 1847 | Hermann von Helmholtz | |
44 | Laws of Thermodynamics | 1850s | Sadi Carnot, Lord Kelvin | |
45 | Germ Theory | 1861 | Louis Pasteur | |
46 | Laws of Electromagnetism | 1865 | James Clerk Maxwell | |
47 | Evolutionary Theory | 1859 | Charles Darwin | |
48 | Atomic Theory | 1803 | John Dalton | |
49 | Laws of Planetary Motion | 1609-1619 | Johannes Kepler | |
50 | Experimental Method | 1620 | René Descartes | |
51 | Microscope | 1590 | Zacharias Janssen | |
52 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
53 | Circulation of Blood | 1628 | William Harvey | |
54 | Laws of Inertia | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
55 | Pendulum Clock | 1656 | Christiaan Huygens | |
56 | Law of Universal Gravitation | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
57 | Optics | 1704 | Isaac Newton | |
58 | Experimental Method | 1620 | Francis Bacon | |
59 | Telescope | 1608 | Hans Lippershey | |
60 | Law of Conservation of Mass | 1774 | Antoine Lavoisier | |
61 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
62 | Law of Conservation of Energy | 1847 | Hermann von Helmholtz | |
63 | Laws of Thermodynamics | 1850s | Sadi Carnot, Lord Kelvin | |
64 | Germ Theory | 1861 | Louis Pasteur | |
65 | Laws of Electromagnetism | 1865 | James Clerk Maxwell | |
66 | Evolutionary Theory | 1859 | Charles Darwin | |
67 | Atomic Theory | 1803 | John Dalton | |
68 | Laws of Planetary Motion | 1609-1619 | Johannes Kepler | |
69 | Experimental Method | 1620 | René Descartes | |
70 | Microscope | 1590 | Zacharias Janssen | |
71 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
72 | Circulation of Blood | 1628 | William Harvey | |
73 | Laws of Inertia | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
74 | Pendulum Clock | 1656 | Christiaan Huygens | |
75 | Law of Universal Gravitation | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
76 | Optics | 1704 | Isaac Newton | |
77 | Experimental Method | 1620 | Francis Bacon | |
78 | Telescope | 1608 | Hans Lippershey | |
79 | Law of Conservation of Mass | 1774 | Antoine Lavoisier | |
80 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
81 | Law of Conservation of Energy | 1847 | Hermann von Helmholtz | |
82 | Laws of Thermodynamics | 1850s | Sadi Carnot, Lord Kelvin | |
83 | Germ Theory | 1861 | Louis Pasteur | |
84 | Laws of Electromagnetism | 1865 | James Clerk Maxwell | |
85 | Evolutionary Theory | 1859 | Charles Darwin | |
86 | Atomic Theory | 1803 | John Dalton | |
87 | Laws of Planetary Motion | 1609-1619 | Johannes Kepler | |
88 | Experimental Method | 1620 | René Descartes | |
89 | Microscope | 1590 | Zacharias Janssen | |
90 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
91 | Circulation of Blood | 1628 | William Harvey | |
92 | Laws of Inertia | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
93 | Pendulum Clock | 1656 | Christiaan Huygens | |
94 | Law of Universal Gravitation | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
95 | Optics | 1704 | Isaac Newton | |
96 | Experimental Method | 1620 | Francis Bacon | |
97 | Telescope | 1608 | Hans Lippershey | |
98 | Law of Conservation of Mass | 1774 | Antoine Lavoisier | |
99 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
100 | Law of Conservation of Energy | 1847 | Hermann von Helmholtz | |
101 | Laws of Thermodynamics | 1850s | Sadi Carnot, Lord Kelvin | |
102 | Germ Theory | 1861 | Louis Pasteur | |
103 | Laws of Electromagnetism | 1865 | James Clerk Maxwell | |
104 | Evolutionary Theory | 1859 | Charles Darwin | |
105 | Atomic Theory | 1803 | John Dalton | |
106 | Laws of Planetary Motion | 1609-1619 | Johannes Kepler | |
107 | Experimental Method | 1620 | René Descartes | |
108 | Microscope | 1590 | Zacharias Janssen | |
109 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
110 | Circulation of Blood | 1628 | William Harvey | |
111 | Laws of Inertia | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
112 | Pendulum Clock | 1656 | Christiaan Huygens | |
113 | Law of Universal Gravitation | 1687 | Isaac Newton | |
114 | Optics | 1704 | Isaac Newton | |
115 | Experimental Method | 1620 | Francis Bacon | |
116 | Telescope | 1608 | Hans Lippershey | |
117 | Law of Conservation of Mass | 1774 | Antoine Lavoisier | |
118 | Thermometer | 1593 | Galileo Galilei | |
119 | Law of Conservation of Energy | 1847 | Hermann von Helmholtz | |
120 | Laws of Thermodynamics | 1850s | Sadi Carnot, Lord Kelvin | |
121 | Germ Theory | 1861 | Louis Pasteur | |
122 | Laws of Electromagnetism | 1865 | James Clerk Maxwell |