The Reformation: Key Theologians and their Doctrines

Discover the revolutionary ideas of the major theologians of the Reformation! Discover the ideas of people like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others who reformed Christianity by opposing the Catholic Church. Explore the social and theological change that occurred in Europe during the Reformation.

1Martin LutherJustification by faith alone
2John CalvinPredestination and divine sovereignty
3Ulrich ZwingliMemorial view of the Eucharist
4Thomas CranmerBook of Common Prayer
5John KnoxPresbyterianism
6Menno SimonsAnabaptism
7Desiderius ErasmusHumanism and biblical scholarship
8Huldrych ZwingliMemorial view of the Eucharist
9John WycliffeTranslated the Bible into English
10Philipp MelanchthonLutheran systematic theology
11William TyndaleTranslated the Bible into English
12John HussCzech Reformation
13Martin BucerReformed theology
14Theodore BezaCalvinism
15Peter Martyr VermigliReformed sacramentology
16Andreas KarlstadtEarly Reformation figure
17Johannes OecolampadiusReformed theology
18Heinrich BullingerSecond-generation Reformer
19Thomas MüntzerRadical Reformation
20Caspar OlevianusReformed covenant theology
21John JewelAnglican theologian
22James UssherChronology of biblical events
23Martin ChemnitzLutheran systematic theology
24Balthasar HubmaierAnabaptist theology
25Lucas Cranach the ElderProtestant artist
26Jan ŁaskiPolish Reformation
27Jacobus ArminiusArminianism
28Nicholas RidleyAnglican theologian and martyr
29Jakob AndreaeLutheran theologian
30Girolamo ZanchiReformed theologian
31John SmythGeneral Baptist theology
32Bartholomew ZiegenbalgLutheran missionary
33Johannes BrenzLutheran theologian
34Aonio PalearioItalian Reformation
35Robert EstienneProminent printer of Protestant texts
36Johann EckCatholic opponent of Luther
37Matija Vlačić IlirikCroatian Reformation
38Petrus CanisiusCounter-Reformation theologian
39Franciscus JuniusReformed theologian
40António VieiraPortuguese Jesuit missionary
41Lambert DaneauReformed theologian
42Johannes BugenhagenGerman Lutheran reformer
43Peter WaldoWaldensian movement
44Albertus MagnusCatholic theologian and philosopher
45Philipp NicolaiLutheran hymn writer
46Georgius CalixtusLutheran theologian
47Andreas HyperiusReformed theologian
48Jan ŽelivskýCzech Reformation leader
49Adam PastorPolish Reformer
50Alexander NowellAnglican theologian
51Robert BarnesEnglish Reformer and martyr
52Francesco StancaroItalian Reformation
53Michael ServetusUnitarian views and anti-Trinitarianism
54Laurence HumphreyEnglish theologian and translator
55Aegidius HunniusLutheran theologian
56Justus VelsiusDutch Anabaptist
57Hugh LatimerEnglish Reformer and martyr
58Johannes AgricolaAntinomianism
59Thomas BeconEnglish Reformer and writer
60Johannes ŁaskiPolish Reformation leader
61John FoxeAuthor of “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs”
62Jan Amos ComeniusUnity of the Brethren
63Henry BullingerSwiss Reformer
64Reginald PoleCatholic theologian and cardinal
65Guido de BresAuthor of the Belgic Confession
66Franciscus GomarusReformed theologian
67John FeckenhamLast Abbot of Westminster
68Amandus PolanusReformed theologian
69Juan de ValdésSpanish Reformation
70Johann GerhardLutheran theologian
71Leonard CoxEnglish Reformer and writer
72David ChytraeusLutheran theologian
73Nicolaus von AmsdorfEarly Lutheran theologian
74Melchior CanoCounter-Reformation theologian
75Thomas GoodwinEnglish Puritan theologian
76Matthias FlaciusLutheran theologian
77Pedro da FonsecaJesuit theologian
78Martin BorrhausGerman Reformer
79Ludwig HätzerAnabaptist leader and writer
80Leonardus LessiusJesuit theologian
81Ludwig RabusLutheran theologian
82John a LascoPolish Reformer and pastor
83Peter MartyrItalian Reformer and theologian
84Johannes DrusiusDutch Reformed theologian
85Johannes PiscatorReformed theologian
86Desiderius GallusHungarian Reformer
87Johann Konrad DannhauerLutheran theologian
88John PonetEnglish Reformer and bishop
89James ArminiusArminianism

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