CFP Mahesh Kumar Perla – Founder and CEO at Aishwi Technologies Exclusive Interview

TheCconnects: Can you tell our readers a little about your professional journey and how you came to your current role/position?

CFP Mahesh Kumar Perla: I started my career with a focus on finance and quickly realized the transformative potential of technology and began integrating tech-driven solutions into my work. my commitment to continuous learning and growth allowed me to navigate complex challenges and deliver value across various sectors.

As the CEO of Aishwi Technologies, I had successfully steered the company through significant milestones, including expansion into new markets and the development of cutting-edge products. my leadership style emphasizes collaboration, agility, and a customer-centric approach, which has fostered a culture of innovation and excellence within the organization.

TheCconnects: Who has influenced you the most in life and why?

CFP Mahesh Kumar Perla: My grandfather, Sri Perla Veera Bhadra Rao, a retired Tahsildar, greatly influenced my life. From him, I learned essential leadership qualities and the importance of financial discipline and planning, both in business and family matters. His wisdom and experience have been a guiding force in shaping my approach to decision-making and responsibility.

My friend Nagesh taught me how to navigate and survive in society, providing me with valuable insights and practical advice. His support and perspective have been instrumental in my personal and professional growth.

My mother instilled in me the principle that work should be done with dedication and sincerity, without worrying about the outcome—be it success or failure. Her teachings have motivated me to persevere and remain focused on my goals.

Lastly, my time in Bangalore has been a significant chapter in my life. The city taught me countless lessons, helping me evolve both personally and professionally. Each experience has contributed to the person I am today, reinforcing the values and skills imparted by my family and friends.

TheCconnects: What are the biggest challenges you have faced in your life, and how did you overcome them?

CFP Mahesh Kumar Perla: During my childhood, I faced numerous financial challenges that deeply impacted me. I witnessed these struggles from a young age, seeing how my parents made sacrifices, sometimes going without food so that I could have a meal. These difficult times instilled in me a strong determination to change our circumstances.

Driven by this motivation, I committed myself to my studies, determined to excel and build a better future for my family. I successfully cleared all the CA exams in a single attempt, a milestone that marked the beginning of my professional journey.

With the foundation of my education and a deep sense of responsibility towards my family, I decided to chart a new path. This led me to start my own company, with the goal of not only achieving financial stability but also creating opportunities for others. This journey has been challenging, but it has also been incredibly rewarding, as I have been able to turn adversity into strength and provide a better life for my loved ones.

TheCconnects: What lessons have you learned from your professional career?

CFP Mahesh Kumar Perla: One of the first lessons I learned in my career is the importance of being cautious about whom to trust, especially when you don’t know someone well. Blindly trusting people without understanding their background, intentions, or capabilities can lead to unforeseen challenges. It’s crucial to research thoroughly about anyone involved, especially when embarking on something new or unfamiliar.

When taking on new tasks or projects, it’s essential to double-check everything meticulously, not just once but multiple times—ideally, 10 times or more if needed. This level of scrutiny helps in identifying potential pitfalls, ensures that every detail is accounted for, and increases the likelihood of success. It’s better to spend extra time verifying than to rush in and face costly mistakes later.

TheCconnects: What do you see as the biggest challenge for brands in the digital space?

CFP Mahesh Kumar Perla: Managing Digital Privacy and Data Security

With increased digital interactions, data privacy and security have become top concerns for consumers. Brands must navigate complex data regulations like GDPR and CCPA, ensuring they protect user data and maintain customer trust.

Aishwi Technologies must develop solutions that

prioritize security and compliance, while also leveraging data to provide meaningful insights and personalization without compromising privacy.

Overcoming Digital Noise and Consumer Fatigue

The digital space is crowded, and brands often struggle to capture and retain consumer attention amid overwhelming noise and content overload.

Creating unique, engaging, and valuable content that stands out is a major challenge. Aishwi Technologies can support brands by leveraging

data-driven insights, advanced content strategies, and cutting-edge technologies to craft compelling digital experiences that resonate with their target audience.

TheCconnects: How does your product/solution help resolve your customers’ pain points?

CFP Mahesh Kumar Perla:

  1. Advanced Data Analytics and Insights
    • Pain Point: Customers struggle with understanding their data, making data-driven decisions, and measuring the impact of their digital efforts.
    • Solution: Aishwi Technologies offers advanced data analytics platforms that collect, analyze, and visualize data from various sources, helping businesses gain actionable insights. Our solutions help clients understand customer behavior, track performance, optimize strategies, and make informed decisions that drive growth.
  2. Custom Software Development and Automation
    • Pain Point: Businesses face inefficiencies due to outdated systems, manual processes, or lack of custom software solutions tailored to their needs.
    • Solution: We provide bespoke software development and automation services that streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. Whether it’s developing custom applications, automating workflows, or integrating existing systems, our solutions are designed to meet specific business needs and scale as the company grows.
  3. Enhanced Digital Security and Compliance
    • Pain Point: Concerns about data breaches, cyber threats, and compliance with data protection regulations are increasing.
    • Solution: Aishwi Technologies offers robust cybersecurity solutions, including threat detection, data encryption, and compliance management tools, to safeguard sensitive information. We help businesses mitigate risks, protect their digital assets, and maintain compliance with global data protection standards like GDPR and CCPA.
  4. AI-Powered Personalization and Customer Experience
    • Pain Point: Customers demand personalized experiences, but many businesses struggle to deliver due to the lack of technology and insights.
    • Solution: Our AI-powered solutions enable brands to offer personalized customer experiences across all touchpoints. From recommendation engines to predictive analytics, we help businesses tailor their offerings, improve customer engagement, and increase satisfaction by delivering the right content at the right time.
  5. Seamless Omnichannel Integration
    • Pain Point: Brands find it challenging to provide a unified experience across various digital and physical channels.
    • Solution: Aishwi Technologies delivers omnichannel solutions that integrate customer interactions across websites, apps, social media, and offline touchpoints. Our platforms ensure that customers have a consistent and seamless experience, enhancing brand loyalty and retention.
  6. Scalable Cloud Solutions
    • Pain Point: Businesses need scalable, reliable, and cost-effective IT infrastructure but often struggle with outdated systems and high maintenance costs.
    • Solution: We offer cloud computing solutions that allow businesses to scale their operations quickly, reduce IT costs, and improve agility. Our cloud services include migration, optimization, and management, providing businesses with the flexibility and reliability they need to grow in a fast-paced digital world.
  7. Digital Marketing and SEO Optimization
    • Pain Point: Achieving visibility in the crowded digital space is a significant challenge for many brands.
    • Solution: Our digital marketing services, including SEO, PPC, and content marketing, help brands increase their online presence, drive traffic, and improve conversion rates. We leverage data-driven strategies to ensure that our clients’ marketing efforts are effective and deliver a strong return on investment.
  8. User-Friendly Product Design and UX/UI Enhancements
    • Pain Point: Poor user experience and complicated interfaces lead to customer dissatisfaction and high bounce rates.
    • Solution: Aishwi Technologies focuses on creating intuitive, user-centric designs that enhance usability and engagement. We provide UX/UI design services that improve the overall customer journey, making products and services more accessible, enjoyable, and efficient for end users.
  9. Dedicated Customer Support and Consulting
    • Pain Point: Lack of support and guidance often leaves businesses struggling to maximize the potential of their technology investments.
    • Solution: We offer ongoing support, training, and consulting services to ensure our clients get the most out of our solutions. Our dedicated teams work closely with clients to address any issues, optimize performance, and adapt to changing needs, providing a partnership approach rather than a one-time service.

TheCconnects: What do you do in your free time?

CFP Mahesh Kumar Perla: As the CEO of Aishwi Technologies, I value the importance of work-life balance, especially given the demands of leadership. In my free time, I prioritize spending quality moments with my parents, as they are a significant source of inspiration and grounding in my life. Traveling is another passion of mine, and I often choose destinations that are rich in greenery and natural beauty, which helps me disconnect from the hustle of the corporate world and recharge my mind and soul.

One of the main practices I follow during these times is switching off my mobile and digital devices. This digital detox allows me to be fully present, reflect, and gain fresh perspectives away from the constant flow of notifications and work pressures.

Additionally, I believe in the power of direct communication with my employees. I take the opportunity to interact with them personally, whether it’s during office hours or casual meet-ups. These conversations help me understand their challenges, ideas, and aspirations better, fostering a more connected and motivated team.

This approach not only strengthens our organizational culture but also ensures that I remain in tune with the pulse of my company.

TheCconnects: Do you have any advice for those who want to become entrepreneurs or C-suite executives?

CFP Mahesh Kumar Perla: My advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is simple: rely on yourself for your growth because no one else will truly help you succeed. People may offer words of encouragement, but when it comes to real support, you are often on your own. It’s only after you achieve success that people will start to notice and flock around you, often seeking to be associated with your achievements.

Therefore, focus intensely on your career, put in the hard work, and stay dedicated to your goals. Success isn’t something you chase; when you commit to your journey with unwavering determination, success will come to you naturally, much like a loyal dog follows its master. Your commitment, resilience, and focus are your greatest allies on the road to success.

To the C Connects team, I want to express my gratitude and admiration for the incredible work you are doing. Your support for entrepreneurs, helping them navigate challenges and grow, is invaluable. By empowering entrepreneurs, you are making a significant impact on their journeys, and your efforts are truly commendable.

Connect with CFP Mahesh Kumar Perla on LinkedIn here

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