The age of exploration was a period in history that spanned from the 15th to the 17th century during which european explorers traveled across the globe in search of new trade routes riches and knowledge these voyages led to the discovery of new lands and cultures the expansion of european empires and significant scientific and technological advancements this period saw the likes of christopher columbus vasco da gama ferdinand magellan and james cook among many others embark on expeditions that forever changed the course of human history the consequences of these voyages were far reaching and impacted every corner of the globe in this table we will explore some of the key voyages discoveries and consequences of this fascinating period
Serial Number | Voyages | Discoveries | Year | Consequences | |||
1 | Columbus’s First Voyage | Discovery of the New World | 1492 | European colonization of the Americas | |||
2 | Magellan’s Expedition | Circumnavigation of the Earth | 1519-1522 | Proved the Earth is round | |||
3 | Cabot’s Voyage | Exploration of the coast of North America | 1497 | British colonization of North America | |||
4 | Vasco da Gama’s Voyage | Discovery of a sea route to India | 1497-1499 | Established Portugal as a major trading power | |||
5 | Cook’s Voyages | Exploration of the Pacific | 1768-1779 | European colonization of the Pacific | |||
6 | Henry Hudson’s Voyages | Exploration of the Hudson River and Hudson Bay | 1607-1611 | British and Dutch colonization of North America | |||
7 | Pizarro’s Conquest of the Incas | Conquest of the Inca Empire | 1532-1533 | Spanish colonization of South America | |||
8 | Drake’s Circumnavigation | Exploration of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans | 1577-1580 | English naval power and colonization of the Americas | |||
9 | De Soto’s Expedition | Exploration of the Southeastern United States | 1539-1543 | Early European contact with Native American cultures | |||
10 | Cabral’s Voyage | Discovery of Brazil | 1500 | Portuguese colonization of Brazil | |||
11 | Hudson Bay Company | Establishment of trade networks in North America | 1670 | British colonization of North America | |||
12 | Diaz’s Voyage | Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope | 1488 | Opened up sea trade route to Asia and the East Indies | |||
13 | Spanish Armada | Defeat of the Spanish navy by the English | 1588 | Established English naval dominance | |||
14 | Treaty of Tordesillas | Division of the New World between Spain and Portugal | 1494 | Established territorial claims in the Americas | |||
15 | Jamestown Settlement | Establishment of the first English colony in America | 1607 | British colonization of North America | |||
16 | Abel Tasman’s Voyages to Australia and New Zealand | Discovered Tasmania, New Zealand, and Fiji | 1642-1644 | Established Dutch claims to parts of Australia and New Zealand | |||
17 | Vitus Bering’s Voyages to Alaska | Discovered Alaska and the Bering Strait | 1728-1741 | Led to Russian colonization of Alaska and increased Russian trade in the Pacific | |||
18 | James Cook’s Voyages to the Pacific | Discovered and mapped parts of Australia, Hawaii, and New Zealand | 1768-1779 | Contributed significantly to European knowledge of the Pacific, led to British colonization of Australia and New Zealand | |||
19 | Yuri Gagarin’s Spaceflight | First human in space | 1961 | Significant milestone in space exploration | |||
20 | Neil Armstrong’s Moon Landing | First human on the moon | 1969 | Historic achievement in space exploration |