All events and observances in USA during the month of May

May holds immense value for Americans as it hosts numerous vital events across the country. With ceremonies dedicated to national heroes’ endeavors along with marking essential dates or public holidays – such as Memorial Day, National Police Week & Cinco de Mayo – its an exciting time suitable for everyone! This write up delves into each happening taking place throughout May while accentuating their importance to the American people and culture.

S. No.DayImportance
1May-01Loyalty Day
2May-05Cinco de Mayo
3May-06National Nurses Day
4May-08Truman Day (Missouri)
5May-09Mother’s Day
6May 10-16National Police Week
7May-15Armed Forces Day
8May-17Tax Day (for individual tax returns)
9May-25Memorial Day – Federal Holiday
10May-31Memorial Day Observed – Federal Holiday (if on weekend)

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