Nandor Feher – CISO at Positivo Tecnologia S.A. Exclusive Interview

TheCconnects: Can you tell our readers a bit about your professional journey and how you arrived at your current role/position?

Nandor Feher: Growing up in Columbus, Ohio, I was always drawn to the digital realm. At the age of 7, I knew I wanted to delve into the realm of computers and, since then, this passion has been the compass of my career. I have worked across various facets of technology, from microcomputer support to infrastructure and then to cybersecurity. Having a broad knowledge base has always been a foundational principle in my career.
Over time, I realized that digital security isn’t just a technical requirement but a critical business strategy. This insight has led me to the role I hold today, where I have the privilege of strategically bridging technology and business.

TheCconnects: Who has influenced you the most in life and why?

Nandor Feher: My mother played a pivotal role in shaping who I am today. She was always inquisitive and taught me the art of asking “why?”. This critical mindset shaped me, fueling an unending quest for improvement and understanding. Besides her, the leaders I’ve encountered throughout my journey have been instrumental in shaping my professional character.

TheCconnects: What are the most significant challenges you’ve faced in your life, and how did you overcome them?

Nandor Feher: One standout challenge I faced was the task of modernizing and implementing new technologies in well-established companies. The resistance to change and the introduction of new approaches require finesse, patience, and strategic vision. I overcame these hurdles by staying focused on the long-term vision, closely collaborating with teams, and engaging them in the mission to make cybersecurity a strategic cornerstone.

TheCconnects: What lessons have you learned from your professional career?

Nandor Feher: I’ve come to realize that technology isn’t the solution on its own; it’s how we integrate it with business strategy that makes a difference. I’ve also grasped the importance of humanizing cybersecurity. Engaging and empowering users can turn them from potential vulnerabilities into passionate defenders of security. Moreover, I’ve learned that evolution is constant!

TheCconnects: What do you see as the biggest challenge for brands in the digital space?

Nandor Feher: The ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats is a mounting concern. In a world of rapid technological advances, brands face the challenge of staying ahead, anticipating risks, and adapting to an ever-changing digital landscape. Balancing security, implementing intuitive and discreet controls, and weighing the risks versus the costs of security is essential to ensure business viability.

TheCconnects: How can your product/solution address your customers’ pain points?

Nandor Feher: I’m with Positivo Tecnologia SA, a global frontrunner in hardware. We manufacture payment machines for 6 of the 8 top global acquirers and are the makers of the Pegasus supercomputer, the most powerful equipment in Latin America and the 26th in the world. Beyond this, Positivo is renowned for home automation and educational software prevalent in the country’s leading educational institutions. We are also proud to have developed electronic voting machines for national elections – a project that tested our capabilities and innovation on all fronts.

TheCconnects: What do you do in your free time?

Nandor Feher: While I’ve always been passionate about sports, in recent years, the philosophy of bodybuilding has been transformative in my life. Weightlifting is not just a hobby for me, but a school in itself. It has taught me discipline, the relentless pursuit of improvement, and resilience in the face of challenges and discomforts. The gym becomes a metaphor for life: facing adversities, overcoming them, and growing.

TheCconnects: Do you have any advice for those aspiring to be entrepreneurs or C-suite executives?

Nandor Feher: Always stay curious. Never stop asking ‘why? ‘ a vital question in the realm of cybersecurity. In a fast-evolving technological landscape, continuous growth is paramount. Be resilient, absorb the lessons from each challenge, and understand: it’s the persistent daily effort that leads to genuine success. Above all, value, and care for people: they are at the heart of any organization and the driving force behind every accomplishment.

Connect with Nandor Feher on LinkedIn here

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