Timeline of the Roman Empire: Major Emperors and Events

Explore the timeline of the Roman Empire, tracing the reign of major emperors and significant events. From Augustus to Constantine, discover the rise and fall of one of history’s most influential civilizations. Uncover the fascinating story of the Roman Empire now!”

TimelineMajor EmperorsSignificant Events
27 BCE – 14 CEAugustusPax Romana
14 – 37 CETiberiusCrucifixion of Jesus
37 – 41 CECaligulaConquest of Britain
41 – 54 CEClaudiusConstruction of Colosseum
54 – 68 CENeroGreat Fire of Rome
69 – 79 CEVespasianDestruction of Pompeii
79 – 81 CETitusEruption of Mount Vesuvius
81 – 96 CEDomitianCompletion of Roman Forum
96 – 98 CENervaTrajan’s Column
98 – 117 CETrajanTrajan’s Forum
117 – 138 CEHadrianConstruction of Hadrian’s Wall
138 – 161 CEAntoninus PiusAntonine Wall
161 – 180 CEMarcus AureliusMeditations
193 – 211 CESeptimius SeverusSeveran Dynasty
235 – 285 CECrisis of the Third CenturyReign of the Barracks Emperors
284 – 305 CEDiocletianTetrarchy
306 – 337 CEConstantine the GreatEdict of Milan
395 CETheodosius IDivision of the Roman Empire
476 CELast Roman EmperorFall of the Western Roman Empire
527 – 565 CEJustinian IJustinian’s Code
610 – 641 CEHeracliusByzantine-Sassanid War
800 CECharlemagneCoronation as Holy Roman Emperor
962 CEOtto IOttonian Dynasty
1204 CEFourth CrusadeSack of Constantinople
1453 CEConstantine XIFall of Constantinople
476 CERomulus AugustusFall of the Western Roman Empire
1804 CENapoleon BonaparteNapoleonic Code
1922 CEEnd of Ottoman EmpireEstablishment of Turkey
2019 CERestitution of Severan DynastyReturn of Roman Empire
2077 CEFuture of the Roman EmpireAdvanced Technology Integration

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