Priya Dinavahi – Co-Founder & CEO at 5th Dimension Technologies Professional Interview

TheCconnects: Can you tell our readers a little about your professional journey & how did you come to your current role/position?

Priya Dinavahi: My professional journey started as a customer service agent with TATA cellular. Worked here for 15 months and took a break to do an MBA. My second job was with Bank of America, and again, didn’t work long here. Took another break and was working as a freelancer. Then joined a startup. Now here I learned a lot of lessons the hard way. After quitting from here my friend and I thought we should start something of our own. That’s how 5th Dimension Technologies formed.


TheCconnects: Who has influenced you the most in life and why?

Priya Dinavahi: I firmly believe that either in professional or personal life, nobody influences anyone. Rather situations teach us a lot. We gain experience from our mistakes. Situations and experiences are our best teachers. How we react in a situation, whether good or bad, is actually the stepping stones to the future we build for ourselves.


TheCconnects: What are the biggest challenges you have faced in the business?

Priya Dinavahi: When we started the business, every day was a challenge. Right from finding the talent, workforce, office space, and clients. We started from scratch with our savings. Didn’t advertise or had a budget for marketing. Initially, we took up very small jobs and had only one employee with us. After 7 months we hired another 2 and slowly the team strength grew and so was our confidence. And then payments were a big big issue. They were always late and we faced financial obstacles too.

We did have setbacks, we were written off by many but we didn’t give up. As a team, we decided to fight and achieve what we wanted.


TheCconnects: Do you have any advice for those who want to become a chief executive officer?

Priya Dinavahi: Believe in hard work. Nothing comes for free. Everything has a price tag. Not even a thumbs up on social media. Learn to make a space for your own. Try till you are tired.


TheCconnects: What has changed after the pandemic and what are the current and future market trends?

Priya Dinavahi: Pandemic changed the entire world and any business with the internet as its backbone has evolved in a big way. Pandemic has altered the way we look at the world today, from education to games everything is online now, from classroom teaching to online teaching, from single-player to geographically spread multi players.

The future trends increasingly point towards big changes in the gaming industry, we have already started seeing the trends of involvement of blockchain and play and earn in this sector. The sky is the limit for the future of the gaming industry.

Another sector that will see exponential growth is the virtual world or metaverse. The world is shrinking very fast, thanks to the new technologies and its rapid evolution.  


  1. Who has influenced you the most in life and why?

    Priya Dinavahi :
    I firmly believe that either in professional or personal life, nobody influences anyone. Rather situations teach us a lot. We gain experience from our mistakes. Situations and experiences are our best teachers. How we react in a situation, whether good or bad, is actually the stepping stones to the future we build for ourselves.

    Wonderful and Honest Answers, applicable for every industry.

    We need More Women Entrepreneurs to come forward.

    Thank you and Good Luck Priya Dinavahi.
    May god bless you to Achieve and Inspire More.


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