Siddharth Jetly – CEO of IntelliSource Technologies Pvt Ltd Exclusive Interview

The tech entrepreneur discusses his inspirations, challenges, and vision for the industry

The ever-increasing need to carve one’s own niche in the age of immense competition has encouraged entrepreneurs around the world to develop custom software applications. A custom software solution is designed specifically according to the unique needs and objectives of an organization, giving developers complete freedom to build it from scratch.

Siddharth, Jetly, the founder and CEO of IntelliSource Technologies, heads a Custom Software Development Company that helps organizations worldwide build these unique software solutions. Based in the US, IntelliSource offers its custom software development services to clients belonging to all major industries.

Here is an insightful interview with Mr. Jetly where he talks about maintaining his professional career, his inspirations, the roadblocks he faced in his journey, and more:

TheCconnects: Hello, Mr. Jetly! You and your team of techies have been encouraging entrepreneurs to embrace digitization and opt for tailor-made software applications to thrive in the market. Who has inspired you in your journey of becoming an entrepreneur?

Siddharth Jetly: Since I was a teenager, I have always been in awe of all the tech leaders of the world. From Bill Gates to Steve Jobs, the lives and journeys of all the geeks who made it big in the industry have been influential to my journey. I read Steve Jobs’ quote, “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice” when I was navigating through testing waters. It gave me the courage to keep moving forward until I attain my goals.

Along these giants, I have always been inspired by the team of IT professionals I work with. Looking back at the company’s journey, it is safe to say that IntelliSource is doing pretty well, and it is all because of the never-ending dedication of all my team members. I do my best to match their energies and enthusiasm while working on every project that comes our way!

TheCconnects: Setting up a thriving business in the US is never an easy task. What are the biggest challenges you have in your life and how did you overcome them?

Siddharth Jetly: Setting up my own venture was a tough call as it required me to leave a life of comfort as a corporate employee. However, I was fortunate enough to realize what my true calling was, which made the journey a little easier.

The biggest challenge I faced in my entrepreneurial journey was to secure clients during the early days of IntelliSource Technologies. While you and your team know how capable you are, it is a tough task to make potential clients understand the same! The only way to overcome this block is to stay patient and upskill yourself at all times. Once the right opportunity comes your way, embrace it with all your might and convert your days of struggle into something worthwhile!

TheCconnects: What lessons have your learned from your professional career?

Siddharth Jetly: Working in the tech industry in a country like the US throws roadblocks at you at every phase of your professional career. One of the biggest lessons I learned from my career has been to stay in tune with the ongoing tech trends. The digital space will never reward you if you stick to the legacy approach of handling your clients. From upskilling your team in the latest technologies to expanding your umbrella of services whenever required, it is always important to adhere to the ongoing trends to thrive in the industry.

TheCconnects: We live in an age where every company, irrespective of its size, needs to get on the digital bandwagon. What do you see as the biggest challenge for brands in the digital space?

Siddharth Jetly: As more and more brands are going digital, the competition keeps increasing across all industries. A lot of our clients belong to the healthcare sector and we have witnessed intense competition in that sector too. The biggest challenge for brands in the digital space is, beyond any doubt, the need to stand out from the clutter. There will always be another brand(s) providing the same (or similar) products/services in the market. Your job is to persuade the same set of target audiences to choose you over other players.

TheCconnects: How do your services help you resolve the pain points of your clients?

Siddharth Jetly: IntelliSource Technologies was set up to resolve the issue of creating unique software solutions for organizations. We help our clients go beyond off-the-shelf software by building custom software solutions from ground zero. All our services are designed to let our clients extend their brands’ essence in the applications built for their companies. Our mission has always been to help companies find their unique voices and have them manifested in the form of bespoke software solutions!

TheCconnects: To conclude the interview, do you have any advice for those who want to start their own agencies?

Siddharth Jetly: Perseverance is the key to success! If you are planning to set up your own venture, you need to develop a thick skin and keep at it for several days, weeks, or even months before you climb the first step of success. As long as you are true to yourself and are passionate enough to defy all odds, you can thrive in an industry and secure any dream! Make sure you are on the lookout for the right opportunities and grab them the moment they appear. Once you are in control, things will fall into place.
About IntelliSource Technologies

IntelliSource Technologies is a custom software development company founded by Siddharth Jetly. The company provides a range of different services to its clients, including software development outsourcing, mobile app development (Android and iOS), and software testing services. It helps its clients build custom software using programming frameworks and languages like .NET, Node.JS, AngularJS, WordPress, and Magento. Despite being industry-agnostic, the expertise of IntelliSource Technologies lies in the healthcare, logistics, and eCommerce sectors.

To learn more about IntelliSource Technologies and its offerings, visit its official website here:

Connect with Siddharth Jetly on LinkedIn here

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