Sowmitri Maluchuru – Founder of Brahman Studios Exclusive Interview

TheCconnects: ⁠Can you tell our readers a little about your professional journey and how you came to your current role/position?

Sowmitri Maluchuru: A My professional journey has been both diverse and evolving. From a young age, I was fascinated by various fields, aspiring to be an astronaut, chef, cricketer, scientist, actor, businessman, director, and filmmaker, among others. As I approached the end of high school and began contemplating my future, I realized that I needed to find clarity and direction for my career. After much deliberation and setting a personal challenge to crack the IIT JEE entrance exam, I was able to secure a place in the prestigious IIT Roorkee, where I pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture & Design.

During my time at IIT Roorkee, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring my passions and interests. After extensive introspection and discussions with mentors and peers, I decided to follow my passion for film. I entered the film industry with the aim of starting as an actor and gradually transitioning into directing and filmmaking. Over the past eight years, I have dedicated myself to honing my craft, working alongside talented artists and directors to make a meaningful impact in the field.

Throughout this journey, my initial motivations evolved, but my love for the craft of acting and filmmaking remained constant. Recognizing the unpredictable nature of the film industry, I sought to diversify my pursuits. During the lockdown period, I decided to explore entrepreneurship and channel my creativity into a new venture. This led to the founding of Brahman Studios, where we have been dedicated to developing a game called “AUM.” Our goal with Brahman Studios is to make a significant impact on the gaming industry, both in India and globally.

As the Founder, CEO, and Creative Director of Brahman Studios, I am committed to leveraging my experiences and passion to create innovative and compelling gaming experiences.

TheCconnects: ⁠Who has influenced you the most in life and why?

Sowmitri Maluchuru: My mother has been a tremendous source of inspiration. Her hard work and consistency are unparalleled, and she was my first teacher. Without her unwavering support and guidance, I doubt I would be where I am today.

My father, too, has been an extraordinary influence. His dedication to providing for me and my brother has been a true blessing. His kindness and generosity towards others, making everyone feel valued and comfortable, have inspired me to be more compassionate and to give back to society.

My brother has been not only my sibling but also my closest friend. His unwavering support and belief in me, whether in pursuing acting or entrepreneurship, have been invaluable. His willingness to invest his hard-earned money in my dreams has had a significant impact on my journey.

My Pedanana has also played a crucial role in my life. His encouragement and introduction to the world of computers, games, and technology at a young age were instrumental in shaping my career path. His influence has been a driving force behind my endeavours in the digital realm.

I am deeply grateful to each of these individuals. Their influence has shaped who I am today, but I also recognize that every person I’ve encountered has contributed to my growth. As I continue to evolve, I realize the importance of every interaction and relationship I’ve had.

Therefore, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my family, relatives, friends, acquaintances, and everyone in society with whom I’ve had the pleasure of interacting. Each has played a role in making me who I am today.

TheCconnects: ⁠What are the biggest challenges you have faced in your life, and how did you overcome them?

Sowmitri Maluchuru: Early in my life, I faced a significant challenge when I was sent to boarding school, which I initially struggled with. However, having my brother with me during this period made the transition smoother and helped me adjust. This experience taught me the importance of finding solutions to overcome difficulties.

Challenges are a constant part of my life. I’ve encountered many setbacks, missed goals, and deadlines. These experiences have shown me that challenges are inevitable, but the key lies in how we address them. Remaining calm and composed when faced with obstacles is one of the biggest challenges, and while I am still a work in progress, I have made significant strides in this regard.

Another major challenge was learning to put myself out there, network, and make connections—an essential aspect of growing a company and establishing a personal brand. It took time for me to recognize my own value and to communicate it effectively to others, as I hold high standards for myself. However, as I continued to build my confidence and develop a strong foundation, I overcame my initial shyness and introverted nature.

Personal relationships with family, friends, and colleagues present another set of challenges. Maintaining peace and harmony with those around us, despite unforeseen circumstances, is crucial. Additionally, the process of letting go of certain relationships to move forward can be challenging. I’ve consciously worked on improving my approach to these aspects, striving for greater understanding and compassion. Through continuous effort, I believe these practices will contribute to more positive and fulfilling relationships in the future.

TheCconnects:⁠ ⁠What lessons have you learned from your professional career?

Sowmitri Maluchuru: Throughout my film career and my journey with Brahman Studios, I have learned several valuable lessons. One of the most significant realizations has been that dreams take time to materialize. Initially, I had specific timelines for achieving my goals, but I learned that adhering to these self-imposed deadlines can be challenging. While some timelines may be achievable, others may not, and the key is persistence and continuous effort. Embracing growth and learning while moving forward is the best way to navigate such hurdles.

Working with diverse people and building connections has reinforced my belief in the beauty of the world and the dedication of individuals striving to be their best while helping others. The compassion and support I’ve received have been profoundly inspiring. The joy of connecting with someone from a different continent and finding common ground within moments of conversation is a cherished experience.

Another important lesson I’ve learned is the significance of fostering a positive work culture. Creating an environment that balances professionalism with a casual, creative atmosphere is crucial for encouraging freedom and innovation. Believing in the people you work with and supporting their confidence and productivity is essential.

Being vocal about your vision and goals is another key lesson. Communicating clearly about what you want to achieve helps others understand and support your efforts. While you may not always need assistance, sharing your vision and staying connected can open doors to new opportunities.

Lastly, while many people emphasize the need for a work-life balance, I believe that work and life should be integrated harmoniously. When you are passionate about what you do, it naturally enriches your personal life and relationships. Balancing time between personal, family, and professional commitments is a challenge, but effective communication helps others understand and support you in your journey.

TheCconnects: ⁠What do you see as the biggest challenge for Game developers in the Gaming Industry?

Sowmitri Maluchuru: Certainly! Here’s a polished version of your response:

The Indian gaming market is still in its early stages, with the audience gradually embracing gaming as a form of entertainment. This transition takes time as people experience and grow within the gaming world. Even as a lifelong gamer who keeps up with the latest releases, I find myself continually seeking new games for engagement and challenge. This pursuit reflects a broader tendency among gamers to seek novel and stimulating experiences. 

The main challenges for game developers lie in addressing the demands of both single-player and multiplayer games. Single-player games need to offer compelling difficulty and engaging scenarios, while multiplayer games provide a unique challenge by pitting players against one another, which adds an individualistic dimension to the experience.

Story-driven content, particularly in narrative-driven RPGs, holds great potential in India. The rich tapestry of Indian culture offers a wealth of stories and themes that could serve as inspiration for creating exceptional games. 

Multiplayer gaming is experiencing unprecedented growth globally and in India. Games that captivate hardcore gamers with engaging content and high quality will likely see significant growth in the coming years. 

Additionally, numerous new initiatives by the government and gaming-focused organizations are emerging to support the development of the gaming industry in India. 

For those interested in game development, now is an excellent time to start. The Indian gaming scene is rapidly evolving, and opportunities are expanding. I encourage aspiring developers to dream big and begin building their games. It’s important to focus on creating enjoyable and enriching experiences before concentrating on financial gains. Taking a holistic view of the journey will lead to more meaningful and successful endeavors.

TheCconnects:⁠ What is the Uniqueness of “AUM The Game”?

Sowmitri Maluchuru: Certainly! Here’s a refined version of your response:

At Brahman Studios, our vision is inspired by the ancient concept of Brahman—the idea of oneness that unites all life. We strive to create stories and gaming experiences that transcend borders, inviting players from around the world to embark on a shared journey of creation. Our goal is to set new standards in innovation, technology, and creativity, guided by the timeless wisdom that all things are interconnected. Through our work, we aim not just to entertain but to highlight the profound unity that connects us all, blending past and future in an ongoing quest for discovery.

Brahman Studios aspires to be a leading force in the Indian gaming industry, inspiring future developers and setting a high benchmark for excellence. We aim to demonstrate that the Indian gaming scene can deliver exceptional and immersive experiences on a global scale, competing with the best in the industry.

We embrace technology and continually push boundaries to engage our audience. We are harnessing the potential of AI in various aspects of our game development pipeline, anticipating significant growth in AI and user-generated content. This allows us to create unique development processes and in-house solutions tailored to our needs.

Our flagship project, *AUM The Game*, is a bold and ambitious undertaking. From the outset, we aimed to create something innovative and unprecedented. After years of development, we are poised to deliver a highly immersive and competitive game that appeals to gamers worldwide. *AUM* is more than just a game; it is an expansive universe where players can explore and engage with a rich, narrative-driven experience inspired by Indian heritage and mythology.

*AUM* is a 3D multiplayer adventure action arena that combines RPG elements, battle arenas, MMORPGs, and story-driven narratives into a single, unique adventure. Each player embarks on a journey to restore the balance of Dharma, learning and growing through the deep cosmic wisdom and philosophical stories rooted in Indian mythology.

The game features a unique Karma system that impacts the player’s journey and the experiences of other gamers, offering a personalized and dynamic gameplay experience. 

Our aim is to build a game with enduring appeal, featuring fast-paced PvP gameplay, immersive co-op PvE content, and a vast world rich with culture and stories. We are also excited to introduce a unique subscription and progression system integrated with esports. This system will create an interactive game calendar that connects gamers globally, fosters community growth, and facilitates communication with developers to better meet player expectations.

Connect with Sowmitri Maluchuru on LinkedIn here

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