Timeline of the American Revolution: Key Events and Battles

The American Revolution, also known as the War of Independence, was a significant event in world history that led to the birth of the United States of America. It lasted from 1775 to 1783 and was fought between the thirteen British colonies in North America and the British Empire. The revolutionaries sought to achieve independence and self-governance, as well as to establish a new system of government based on democratic principles. The war was marked by a series of key events and battles that shaped the outcome of the conflict.

The American Revolution began with the shots fired at Lexington and Concord in 1775, which marked the start of armed conflict between British troops and colonial militias. The following year, the Continental Congress declared independence from Great Britain, and Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence, which stated the colonists’ grievances against the British crown. The war continued with a series of battles, including the Battle of Bunker Hill, the Battle of Saratoga, and the Battle of Yorktown, which were instrumental in securing the victory of the colonists.

The American Revolution had significant implications for both the United States and the world. It established the United States as a new nation, with a new system of government that emphasized individual freedoms and democratic values. It also served as a model for other nations seeking independence from colonial powers. The American Revolution was a turning point in history, marking the end of British colonial rule in America and the beginning of a new era of self-governance and democracy.

S. NoKey Events and BattlesYearResult
1Shots fired at Lexington and Concord1775British retreat
2Second Continental Congress convenes1775Formation of Continental Army
3George Washington appointed commander-in-chief1775Leadership of Continental Army
4Battle of Bunker Hill1775British victory, heavy casualties
5Declaration of Independence adopted1776Independence from Great Britain
6Washington crosses the Delaware1776Surprise attack on Hessians
7Battle of Saratoga1777Turning point, French alliance
8Valley Forge encampment1777-1778Endurance, training, reform
9Battle of Monmouth1778Tactical draw, Continental Army gains confidence
10Alliance with France signed1778Military and financial aid
11Battle of Savannah1779British victory
12Siege of Charleston1780British victory, large POW capture
13Battle of Camden1780British victory, heavy casualties
14Battle of Cowpens1781American victory, turning point
15Battle of Guilford Courthouse1781British victory, heavy casualties
16Battle of Yorktown1781Decisive American/French victory, British surrender
17Treaty of Paris signed1783Official end of the war
18Evacuation of Philadelphia1778British retreat, strategic move
19Battle of Rhode Island1778Indecisive, American defense
20Battle of Springfield1780American victory, British retreat
21Battle of King’s Mountain1780American victory, Loyalist stronghold weakened
22Battle of Guilford Courthouse1781British victory, heavy casualties
23Battle of the Chesapeake1781French naval victory, cut off British escape
24Battle of Cape Henry1781French naval victory, secured Chesapeake
25Battle of Green Spring1781Indecisive, British retreat
26Battle of Blue Licks1782British/Loyalist victory, heavy American casualties
27Newburgh Conspiracy1783Potential military coup, resolved by Washington
28Treaty of Paris ratified1784Official recognition of American independence
29Ratification of the Articles of Confederation1781First national government
30Treaty of Fort Stanwix1784First treaty with Native American nations
31Shays’ Rebellion1786-1787Armed uprising against economic hardship, suppressed
32Northwest Ordinance passed1787Land policy for western territories
33Annapolis Convention1786Discuss trade and commercial regulation
34Constitutional Convention convenes1787Drafted new federal constitution
35Federalist Papers published1787-1788Essays in support of new constitution
36Ratification of the Constitution1788New system of government established
37George Washington elected first President1789Unanimous election
38Bill of Rights ratified1791Protections for individual liberties
39Whiskey Rebellion1794Resistance to federal excise tax, suppressed
40Jay Treaty signed1795Improved relations with Great Britain
41XYZ Affair1797-1798Diplomatic incident with France
42Alien and Sedition Acts passed1798Restrictions on immigrant and press freedoms
43Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions1798-1799Opposition to federal laws
44Treaty of Greenville1795First treaty with Native American nations after the Revolution
45Washington’s Farewell Address1796Advice for the nation’s future
46Alien and Sedition Acts expire1800Repealed by Congress
47Louisiana Purchase1803U.S. acquisition of Louisiana Territory from France
48Lewis and Clark Expedition1804-1806Exploration of newly acquired western lands
49Marbury v. Madison1803Establishes judicial review
50Embargo Act1807Prohibited U.S. trade with foreign nations
51Non-Intercourse Act1809Replaced Embargo Act, limited trade with Britain and France
52Battle of Tippecanoe1811U.S. victory over Native American confederation
53War of 1812 begins1812U.S. declares war on Great Britain
54Battle of Lake Erie1813U.S. naval victory, secures control of Great Lakes
55Burning of Washington, D.C.1814British troops burn White House and other government buildings
56Battle of New Orleans1815U.S. victory, boosts national morale
57Hartford Convention1814-1815Federalist meeting to discuss grievances, further weakened party
58Treaty of Ghent1814Ended War of 1812, returned borders to pre-war conditions
59Era of Good Feelings1815-1825Period of political unity and economic growth
60McCulloch v. Maryland1819Established federal supremacy over state laws
61Panic of 18191819Economic depression, first major financial crisis in U.S.
62Missouri Compromise1820Admitted Missouri as a slave state, Maine as a free state
63Monroe Doctrine1823Warned European powers against further colonization in the Americas
64Indian Removal Act1830Forced relocation of Native American tribes to western territories
65Nullification Crisis1832-1833South Carolina threatens to secede over tariff policy
66Nat Turner’s Rebellion1831Slave rebellion in Virginia, harsh crackdown on enslaved population
67Bank War1832-1833President Jackson opposes national bank, vetoed renewal of charter
68Texas Revolution1835-1836Texas declares independence from Mexico
69Trail of Tears1838-1839Forced relocation of Cherokee Nation to Oklahoma
70Mexican-American War1846-1848U.S. gains territories including California, Arizona, and New Mexico
71Wilmot Proviso1846Proposal to ban slavery in territories acquired from Mexico
72Compromise of 18501850Admitted California as a free state, allowed popular sovereignty
73Dred Scott v. Sandford1857Supreme Court rules African Americans cannot be U.S. citizens
74John Brown’s Raid1859Failed attempt to incite slave rebellion in Virginia
75Election of Abraham Lincoln1860Sparked secession of southern states
76Confederate States of America formed1861Southern states secede from the Union
77Battle of Fort Sumter1861First battle of the Civil War, Confederate victory
78First Battle of Bull Run1861Confederate victory, shattered Union confidence
79Emancipation Proclamation1863Lincoln declares slaves in Confederate states to be free
80Battle of Gettysburg1863Union victory, turning point of the Civil War
81Siege of Vicksburg1863Union victory, cuts off Confederate supply lines
82Sherman’s March to the Sea1864Union campaign, devastating to southern infrastructure
83Assassination of Abraham Lincoln1865President Lincoln shot by John Wilkes Booth
84Thirteenth Amendment ratified1865Abolished slavery in the United States
85Reconstruction Era begins1865Period of rebuilding after the Civil War
86Ku Klux Klan formed1865White supremacist organization founded in Tennessee
87Civil Rights Act of 18661866Granted citizenship and equal rights to African Americans
88Fourteenth Amendment ratified1868Granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the U.S.
89Ulysses S. Grant elected president1868Republican victory, begins Reconstruction policy
90Fifteenth Amendment ratified1870Prohibited denial of voting rights based on race
91Panic of 18731873Economic depression, lasted six years
92Battle of Little Bighorn1876Sioux and Cheyenne victory over U.S. forces
93Compromise of 18771877Ended Reconstruction, withdrew federal troops from South
94Chinese Exclusion Act1882Banned Chinese immigrants from entering the U.S.
95Haymarket Riot1886Labor protest in Chicago, violence and arrests
96Dawes Act1887Broke up Native American reservations, encouraged assimilation
97Homestead Strike1892Labor strike at Carnegie Steel Company in Pennsylvania
98Plessy v. Ferguson1896Supreme Court upholds “separate but equal” segregation
99Spanish-American War1898U.S. victory, gains territories including Puerto Rico and Guam
100Open Door Policy1899U.S. policy of equal trade access to China
101Boxer Rebellion1900Chinese rebellion against foreign influence
102Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine1904Asserted U.S. right to intervene in Latin American affairs
103Pure Food and Drug Act1906Regulated food and drug safety
104Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire1911Tragic industrial disaster in New York City
105U.S. enters World War I1917Declared war on Germany


In conclusion, the American Revolution was a pivotal event in world history that led to the birth of the United States of America and established a new system of government based on democratic principles. The revolutionaries’ struggle for independence and self-governance was marked by a series of key events and battles, from the shots fired at Lexington and Concord to the decisive victory at Yorktown. The American Revolution’s legacy continues to resonate around the world, inspiring other nations to fight for their independence and self-determination.

The American Revolution was a defining moment in the history of the United States and had far-reaching consequences for the world. The revolutionaries’ victory over the British Empire established the United States as a powerful nation and set a precedent for other countries seeking independence. The principles of democracy and individual freedoms that emerged from the American Revolution continue to shape the country’s political system and way of life. Today, the American Revolution remains a source of inspiration and pride for Americans, a reminder of their forefathers’ bravery and determination in the face of adversity.

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