Lawrence Geoffrey Abraham – Co Founder of Exclusive Interview

TheCconnects: Can you tell our readers a little about your professional journey & how did you come to your current role/position?

Geoffrey Abraham: This job is a gift. I never expected to be here. Out of college, I joined a consulting firm. I felt antsy. I began riding a bicycle taxi for work. I started a bicycle taxi company that grew to have ~100 operators. I got an MBA.

Dane is a dear friend from college. We stayed in touch. We would go on long walks — check in on each other’s journeys and challenge each other to grow. Dane started two companies. While pondering his third, he asked me to join him. I said yes. We knew nothing about furniture. Nor did we start there.

I did everything I could to learn about why people cared about the problem we stumbled on — online furniture shopping being so frustrating and chaotic. Everything we learned compounded.

TheCconnects: Who has influenced you the most in life and why?

Geoffrey Abraham: My father and grandfather. I have their name. My grandfather immigrated from Lebanon. He started with nothing. He shined shoes and worked in coal mines. With his mind and incredible energy output, he made a life for him and his family.

My father took his own great risks. He started some 13 businesses. Most failed or were eventually wound down. One succeeded. He was always trying new things with incredible creativity bordering on play.

TheCconnects: What are the biggest challenges you have faced in your life & how did you overcome them?

Geoffrey Abraham: My father died at 64. I am an only child. It happened as I was graduating from my MBA program, as a new chapter was supposed to be opening. Taking care of my mother and my family delayed my career’s launch. Returning to a sense of solidity and forward momentum was a long journey.

TheCconnects: What lessons you have learned from your professional career?

Geoffrey Abraham: Compounding is the strongest force in the world. Trust in relationships compounds. Knowledge compounds.

TheCconnects: What do you see as the biggest challenge for brands in the digital space?

Geoffrey Abraham: Defining a unique and consistent voice is an enormous challenge. Consumers trust this kind of voice. Where does it come from?

TheCconnects: How your product/solution can help to resolve the pain points of your customers?

Geoffrey Abraham: We at make buying furniture online sane by quickly showing you all of your options in one place.

TheCconnects: What do you do in your free time?

Geoffrey Abraham: Spend time with my family and friends, and exercise. I have a 20-month daughter.

TheCconnects: Do you have any advice for those who want to be an entrepreneur/chief … officer?

Geoffrey Abraham: Become good at a set of skills. A title, if you want it, will follow.

Connect with Lawrence Geoffrey Abraham on LinkedIn here

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