Tejaswini Allikanti – CEO and Co founder of LearnMigo Exclusive Interview

TheCconnects: Can you tell our readers a little about your professional journey & how did you come to your current role/position?

Tejaswini Allikanti: From my early childhood, I have been driven by a desire to make a positive impact on society. Growing up in a lower-middle-class family, education was always seen as the way to make my life better. Many people in my family, like my aunts, grandfathers, and uncles, were teachers, so learning and good education were always given great emphasis.

After graduating from IIT-B, I have seen the impact of education on my life. I wanted to translate my passion for education into a career. This led me to join upGrad, an EdTech startup, where I was managing the entire AI/ML programs.

Three years in this sector not only allowed me to gain invaluable insights into the startup landscape but also deepened my understanding of the EdTech and AI space.
With the boom of generative AI and seeing the applications in the edtech sector, I believe it was the right time to start my own firm.

This decision wasn’t just a career move for me; it was a continuation of my lifelong commitment to enhancing education and empowering individuals through the innovative use of technology. I believe that with the right approach, my startup can contribute to reshaping the future of education.

TheCconnects: Who has influenced you the most in life and why?

Tejaswini Allikanti: My mom has had the biggest influence on me. I see her work every day with a smile on her face, and she never seems to have a bad day. For 25 years, she’s worked without taking a single day off. In the kitchen, she makes all kinds of food, always thinking about what’s healthy for us. But that’s not all; she also does fashion designing and gardening on the side. Watching her work so hard and care so much about everything she does inspires me to try to be just as dedicated and loving in my own life. Her example shows me how to work hard, enjoy what I do, and take care of the people around me.

TheCconnects: What are the biggest challenges you have faced in your life & how did you overcome them?

Tejaswini Allikanti: The biggest challenge I faced was to start my entrepreneurship journey. Coming from a lower middle class family and leaving a well paid job to start my own entrepreneurial journey was difficult. As there were only few people who I can take inspiration from in my immediate surroundings.

I constantly seeked support from my seniors from my college who were in the entrepreneurship journey and asked them for guidance and direction.

TheCconnects: What lessons you have learned from your professional career?

Tejaswini Allikanti: The most important lesson I have learnt is having a positive attitude and discipline. Any big task can be achieved if it is divided into smaller manageable tasks and having a belief in yourself to accomplish it.

TheCconnects: What do you see as the biggest challenge for brands in the digital space?

Tejaswini Allikanti: I think the biggest challenge is to find the proper product market fit with the target audience. Understanding the root cause of the problem and solving it in the most fundamental way.

Many tech companies are not connected with users and end up making products which are not serviceable which in turn creates non profitable and non sustainable startups.

TheCconnects: How your product/solution can help to resolve the pain points of your customers?

Tejaswini Allikanti: LearnMigo is a personalised AI tutor that provides an interactive and engaging learning environment.

The students cannot always talk to their teachers or get help from tutors when they are studying on their own. So, they have to rely on friends who also don’t know the answer or can’t teach it well. LearnMigo resolves this by designing Al tutors with inspirational characters who are just a click away, any time of the day.

I also think every student has unique learning style and challenges. Al can adapt its teaching to match that and make learning fun for the students.

TheCconnects: What do you do in your free time?

Tejaswini Allikanti: I go cycling or swimming in the mornings which is very important for an healthy body.
I read books mainly non fiction and autobiographies which is important to have healthy mind.
I was a solo traveller and have travelled across 10+ countries but travel has taken a backseat as I have started my entrepreneurship journey.

TheCconnects: Do you have any advice for those who want to be an entrepreneur/C-Suite executive?

Tejaswini Allikanti: Consistency is the key. Just the act of showing up everyday especially when you dont feel like it is the key to success.

Connect with Tejaswini Allikanti on LinkedIn here

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